Jul 26, 2017
While vacationing in Thailand, author Jacquelyn Sill journaled about her experiences. That journal was an inspiration for Jacquelyn's book Where the Water Rages. During this episode of The Author Inside You podcast she shares some valuable insight into character development and the importance of having an...
Jul 19, 2017
Russ Grimes, an engineer from Michigan, often dreamed of being a super hero. The process took more than a year, but Russ wrote a young adult book that features his alter-ego as the main character. In this episode of The Author Inside You, Russ tells us that the hardest part for him was just getting started. For some...
Jul 12, 2017
We all know we should be building our audiences and be more active on social media. Stephanie Baruffi is our guest on this episode of The Author Inside You, and she has some great tips on how to grow your social media audience. If you're ready to be motivated, you have to listen to this episode of TAIY!
Jul 5, 2017
Jackie D discovered that finding a publisher that specialized in her genre helped make her book a reality. In this episode of The Author Inside You, we discuss some great tips for fighting writer's block.